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Master's Degree in Social Work – Counselling and Case Management

This Master's degree qualifies you in particular for social case work, in which you work with individual clients or families rather than with groups and the community. It aims to support people with addiction problems, or young people who require intensive help with social integration. The course specialisation in counselling and case management additionally opens up many further career prospects across practical fields, while you will also have the opportunity of studying for a doctorate later on.

Quick facts

  • › You will obtain the academic Master of Arts degree (M.A.). The degree is not associated with state recognition as a social worker/social education worker.
  • We wish to state here that the course is taught in German only. You should be able to demonstrate good German language skills (level C1).
  • › The full-time study programme takes place in person and is a modular course.
  • › The standard course length is three semesters.
  • › A total of 90 credit points are earned through the course.
  • › Credits obtained at another university shall be recognised as long as the scope and contents do not deviate significantly. Any equivalent skills and qualifications obtained shall be recognised as up to one quarter of the university course.
  • › We do not require you to pay tuition fees. As with any university, you only pay a semester fee for your semester ticket and other services. You may receive a refund for part of the fee under certain conditions.
  • › The course is offered annually, commencing in the summer semester.

What awaits you

The degree programme focuses on the two main fields of counselling and case management. Case management is an approach that is applied in health and social care whenever a particularly complex case requires coordinated action. In such instances, case managers manage the support according to need. While counselling focuses on the functional relationship between the counsellor and the counselling recipient or client, case management is largely concerned with arranging the support. The counsellor and client are therefore positioned opposite each other so to speak, while the case manager and the client stand alongside each other and mutually decide who should be called upon, for what form of support, and when. 

Furthermore, the programme imparts legal, ethical and situational content from non-profit management. In order to apply and deepen your newly acquired knowledge, during the second and third semesters you will independently conduct a research project in cooperation with a practical institution.

Your option to specialise

The case management modules are recognised according to the guidelines of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Care und Case Management (German society for care and case management (DGCC)) as a basic qualification for the certified further training as a case manager in health and social care. This allows you to embark on the advanced modules directly after graduation (for example at our own institute for continued education).

What you should bring with you

You should know beforehand: We are a cosmopolitan university and we welcome people of all religions as well as those of no religious denomination. Vital is that you share our humanistic values. To qualify for this degree programme, you should also satisfy a number of formal requirements: The Master's degree builds on the Bachelor's course programme, so you will need to have successfully completed a relevant or related Bachelor's degree to be approved for admission. In addition to the award achieved for your Bachelor's degree, we also take into account periods spent working in nursing and care, work experience, voluntary work and qualifying periods when reviewing your application.


Prof.in Dr. Maria Schäfer-Hohmann

Prof.in Dr. Maria Schäfer-Hohmann

Head of Study Programme
