Is social commitment very important to you, and are you keen to work with widely diverse individuals? As a social worker/social education worker, this Bachelor's degree prepares you for supporting people with difficult life circumstances and promoting their development. During your study programme, you can specialise in certain age ranges or social groups, for example children, young people or senior citizens, but also addiction sufferers, refugees or families from socially deprived areas.
During your study programme you will learn how to identify, analyse and ultimately solve social problems together with those affected. To this end, you will acquire methodological skills such as conducting conversation, managing conflicts, as well as planning and coordinating support services. You will also develop academic skills, including reading and analysing specialist texts, applying a range of research methods and dealing with current issues in social work.
Furthermore, the course of studies also includes theories of social work and the basics of the important reference sciences comprising psychology, sociology, education and law. The degree is a generalistic programme by design - you will be qualified for a wide range of careers, enabling you to find a position in all fields of social work.
An important element of the course is a practical period spent in a social institution or authority, which lasts seven months and is mutually prepared, guided and reviewed. You can also complete all or part of your internship abroad. A semester abroad can, for example, also be undertaken at one of our partner universities around the world.
In the last two semesters, you will deepen your knowledge in one of four subject areas: You can choose between interculturality, media education, social medicine or theology.
For all specializations that you successfully complete, you will receive a detailed certificate in addition to and separate from your courses
You should know beforehand: We are a cosmopolitan university and we welcome people of all religions as well as those of no religious denomination. Vital is that you share our humanistic values. This degree programme also requires that you demonstrate qualities such as highly developed social skills, empathy, tolerance and a sense of responsibility. It is also important that you possess strong communication skills and are able to deal constructively with conflicts.
If you also satisfy the following requirements, you can submit a direct application to us for a place on our degree course:
Head of Study Programme